Great brands don’t look like anybody else. We create strong visual identities that make your brand iconic in a sea of sameness.
Focus areas
Ferd +
Spaciousness 2
Lo Recordings +
A house of influence since 1870
Britannia +
Showpackage SS14
IMG Models +
Secret 7"
Peter Gabriel +
Everybody Is Somebody
Lo Recordings +
A good conversation starts when you open a beer
Basarene Mikrobryggeri +
Birds; Or, Stories From Charlie B's Travels From Grønland To The Sun, And Back Again
Simen Mitlid +
No one knows Norway better
Posten +
African Prayers
Lo Recordings +
Design for art
Henie Onstad Kunstsenter +
The Cream of Ice Cream
Hennig-Olsen Is +
Simen Mitlid +
Every Moment Counts: Aids and its feelings
Henie Onstad Kunstsenter +
E. Munch Series
Arcus +
Balcony Dreams
Benedikt +
Kunstplan 2018–2027
Bergen kommune +
Lerum +
A New Type of Interference