Forskningsrådet +

Connections enabling change

Facilitating real-world impact by creating meaningful connections between scientists, businesses and funding.


The Research Council of Norway, a government agency under the Ministry of Education, is dedicated to fostering innovative thinking that addresses global needs.

Allocating approximately $1B annually to fund research and scientific advancement, they needed a unified brand identity system that could effectively communicate their role and mission, as well as increase awareness of their broad work.

Rebranding Norway's biggest research and innovation facilitator.
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03 Kreativt Forum Forskningsradet plakater
01 Kreativt Forum Forskningsradet nettside hero

The Research Council's vision is "empowering ideas for a better world". We created a design concept that conveys how they do this: by connecting the scientific community with resources, institutions, corporations and talent.

Connections enabling change.

Inspired by the idea of effective connections, we developed a custom-built Dubins Path-based generator, which identifies the shortest path between two points. By picking a series of random points in a grid, then using Dubins path to connect them all, it can generate a near-infinite number of different shapes.

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The generator was made in collaboration with Applied mathematics scientist Øystein Klemetsdal alongside developers from @_TRYApt. The tool works within strict limitations in the spirit of Armin Hofmann's (1920–2020) study in visual variation.
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We generated a curated library of icons that serve both as logos for the motherbrand and selected sub-brands, and also inform a series of 3D graphics, illustrations and physical objects across the identity. 

One of the key aspects in bringing all these different templates and platforms together, has been the creation of a 3D universe, made by our friends @CATKBerlin. This helped us bind all the different objects together across all platforms.
10 Forskningsradet Brand New Annual Report
12 Forskningsradet Brand New Insta Story
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For the main brand, we have been working closely with Camilo Huinca (@onlyjoke), who has created a large library of Dubins path-inspired illustrations.

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The Award for Excellence in Communication of Science

Together with @AnneValeur (@PudderAgency) we traveled to key research hubs in Norway and captured Norwegian scientists and their latest work in order to update brand images for The Research Council.

08 Forskningsradet Brand New Brand Images
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A lot of the work went into creation of presentation templates, reports, posters, roll-ups, flags, screensavers, video call backgrounds, Instagram stories, etc. Overall over 100 templates that the 38 sub-brands need and use every day, all of which are collected and explained in the brand guide.

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Yes, this is the actual screensaver.

Forskningsdagene (a Research Festival) also got its own twist on the identity, with a more festive look. The core foundation of The Research Council Of Norway’s identity is still present, but with just an extra colour and a unique pair of 3D-themed images, it can stand out once a year to celebrate research and science with the whole Norwegian community.

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05 Forskningsdagene Brand New Billboard
06 Forskningsdagene Brand New Tote
07 Forskningsdagene Brand New Poster

For Nysgjerrigper, Research Council's program for elementary school students and teachers, we produced “Dubins’ Zoo”. A little world of illustrations targeted towards younger audiences. With simple strokes, the generated shapes were transformed into living beings and objects - everything from a rotating globe to a cuddly rabbit.

05 Kreativt Forum Nysgjerrigper ppt

Last but not least, in collaboration with @NorwegianTrash_no, we have created four different plaques that The Norwegian Research Council awards to researchers for their outstanding work in their respective fields - essentially the Michelin star of Norwegian research centers.

The plaque is made from 100% plastic waste. Everything from yogurt cups, electronic waste and disposable cutlery to soda caps are crushed into small pieces before being pressed into sheets. By using these materials, we want to demonstrate how plastic waste can be reused and transformed into something of beauty and of value.

01 Kreativt Forum Sentere plankett 1
02 Kreativt Forum Sentere plankett 2
03 Kreativt Forum Sentere plankett 3
04 Kreativt Forum Sentere plankett 4

This is an ongoing project that is continually evolving, so stay tuned for exciting updates🔮



Camilo Huinca


Anne Valeur


Øystein Andersson Klemetsdal


Try Apt

