TV 2 +

Using a forklift to spell out the value proposition(!)

For over a decade TV 2 Play has been fighting the myth that their streaming platform is only the archive of their linear motherbrand. In order to kill this myth once and for all, we had to use a forklift.

TV 2 has been the second largest public broadcaster in Norway since its origin in 1991. During these years the broadcaster has also built up one of the strongest brands in the country, giving them a huge competitive advantage in their fight for viewers. However, after several decades of providing the Norwegian population with a linear offering it has proved difficult to position new product offerings, the linear associations inherent in the brand are simply too strong.

This dilemma is also causing difficulties for TV 2 Play, the broadcaster`s streaming platform. When the disruption of the TV industry started a decade ago with the entry of Netflix, TV 2 was well prepared and already had its own streaming platform up and running. But ever since then, the streaming service has struggled to shake off the linear associations. So when a comprehensive insight study showed us that half the target group still believed that TV 2 Play was simply the archive of the linear programming, we knew we really had to spell out the value proposition for the audience once and for all; With tons of exclusive content, TV 2 Play is so much more than an archive.

To avoid complicating a simple message further we knew early on that we wanted a TV 2 profile spelling it out, via the camera lens, to the Norwegian population. The only problem was that the message was kind of boring! Who would have thought that a forklift could be such a great tool for that problem?