Stop Sharenting

Unicef Norway wanted raise awareness to the fact that, even in one of the world’s safest countries, children still need protection and care.

“Instead of just talking, we wanted to use our voice to engage, create a movement, and let the campaign itself be a part of a solution.”

To make it relevant for everyone, we found a topic that touches every parent, daily: Without knowing it, we are breaking article 16 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Every child has the right to privacy.

Norwegian parents share an average of 1165 images of their children on social media by the time they are 12 years old – and virtually no one ask them for permission. Sharenting, as it is called, results in that the children are compromised to an increased risk of identity theft and unwanted attention from the whole world.

Our goal became to make the parents of Norway aware of this, and give them the opportunity to be a part of fixing it.

We created a closed exhibition at the Henie Onstad Art Centre, where we let a 12 year old girl experience an art installation projecting all the images of her that are publicly displayed online.

The documentation of the event together with a plea to stop sharenting was shared in social media, and created strong engagement, shares and comments among parents – Including celebrity parents who independently decided to use their voice to raise awareness among their followers. The movement was also picked up by national media, and got solid coverage.

In addition, over 10.000 people signed up to support the local work that Unicef Norway does.

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In 2020, children born the year Facebook arrived (2007) will turn 13 years old - which means they are old enough to create their first account. A new research show that the average child will be met by 1300 photos by themselves on social media, posted by parents.

According to Barklays Bank, this so-called “Sharenting” will account for two-thirds of all identity theft within 2030 if the current development continues.

To generate awareness among parents, we gathered all the images we could find of one child (born 2007) on social media, and made them into a giant exhibition in one of Norways biggest art galleries. Then we filmed the child experiencing the permanent exhibition of her own childhood for the first time.

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Sigve Aspelund


Caroline Werring




