Coop Prix +
Almost Real - On Be Real
Coop Prix has for some time experienced challenges in reaching the younger target audience. As part of the strategic efforts to connect with this target group, we decided to use BeReal, a brand-new media channel where everything still happens on the young people's terms.

BeReal is about showing the real, unfiltered everyday life. Every day, you receive a notification with a message that it's "time to be real." You then have 2 minutes to take a picture of what you are doing and post it to your friends. With this as a starting point, we came up with the idea of a missing mascot that we needed help finding again.
We announced the news that Dovendyret (Coop Prix brand mascot) had disappeared. Through posts on Instagram and "missing person" posters around Oslo, we invited the audience to follow Dovendyret on BeReal - where he daily posted hints and clues about his whereabouts.

Within the first day, friend requests started pouring in, and a digital search party was underway. Every single day, Dovendyret posted a new picture from a new location. Based on the posts, our "friends" sent us tips on where they thought he was. They cheered him on and sent us declarations of love and messages of hopes for his safe return to Coop Prix.