Coop Prix +
Fast and furry
If the slowest creature in the world were to pick a grocery retailer, it would be Coop Prix.

Coop Prix holds a 3,5% share of the Norwegian grocery market, making them one of the smallest players in the industry. An industry characterized as a volume game where the media budget is a key factor for growth. With a share of voice (3,4%) below share of market, Coop Prix found itself stuck in a difficult place.
On top of this backdrop consumer insights had uncovered a vague positioning strategy, lack of brand recognition, and repeatedly low advertising attention. We had to take a step back and review both the communication strategy and the brand platform.
We started with a repositioning of the brand. As their size makes it difficult to take advantage of economies of scale, Coop Prix cannot be considered a discount store. With its small stores and limited range of products it's not really a supermarket either. But the shopping experience is fast and easy like a convenience store and readily accessible in densely populated areas all over Norway. Hence, “Min effektive nabolagsbutikk” became the new strategic position.
Now we needed a communication strategy to convey, build and strengthen this new position. With our modest media budget it had to be a simple and distinct communication concept that was easy to understand. We did two things that really opened up the creative space required to tell an endless number of stories about “Min effektive nabolagsbutikk”. We coined the tagline “Fort gjort”. And we constructed the premise If the slowest creature in the world were to pick a grocery retailer, it would be Coop Prix. And so a sloth, a patron, a mascot, a pet, and a distinct asset was born.